SACU affiliates have set up a strategic partnership across five critical categories — Education, Life and Health, Development, Business and Policy.


Funding the education program is the exclusive work of SACU through our Education fund. Sponsors donate to support bursaries for selected students, while a select number of schools on the ground are the beneficiaries of this funding effort. We believe that together the relationship between these accredited institutions and SACU help raise the bar in educationally underserved communities in rural Uganda.


Life and Health

The life and health programs are the work of SACU Non-profit with help from SACU NGO to implement interventions and programming that promotes wellness. SACU Non-profit believes that a whole understanding of wellness is important. All types of health are considered when coordinating events— spiritual, mental, and physical health.


Photo taken at a Youth Arts Movement Uganda (YAMU) event in coordination with SACU partner Kids Canada, source. Photo credit – Kenneth Mulinde, Founder and Executive Director of YAMU.




The development program is mainly comprised of capital projects where money is spent on new structures in rural Ugandan communities. We aim to create third places and safe spaces. Places that protect and nurture, but also that are different from work and different from home, where people can come together, organize and participate in the theatre of everyday life. At the core of this effort is providing access to clean water, and, eventually, wifi.



SACU Non-profit and SACU NGO understand the value add of small business to rural communities. For that reason the two organizations work to explore new opportunities to stoke entrepreneurship in rural communities from livestock to handicrafts. SACU Non-Profit and SACU NGO want to play their role in thriving rural economies.



Part of supporting and cultivating thriving ventures and operations across our affiliate programs is setting benchmarks and best practices. We realize that calling for documentation and the implementation of emerging practices does not warm your heart in the way that many of our other programs do, but it is terminally important. The work of defining metrics and influencing organizational strategy helps our partners become more efficient, more impactful and more sustainable. While the host of organizers at SACU brings with them a wealth of experience from Administration, Education and Learning Experience Design to Engineering and Sales, we understand that our policy level interventions must be also be culturally sustainable. We work with partners to generate and test solutions that respect and embrace the communities that they will ultimately affect.