The SACU Education fund grants need-based financial aid to rural students in Uganda. As each of our devoted directors volunteer the time and knowledge required to make this educational support system possible, there are nearly no administration costs. SACU has prepared itself and it’s grassroots affiliates for the next step: a formalization of it’s bursary operations. SACU has now acquired it’s Registered Charity Status in Canada. As with many processes we’ve developed and grown through over the past ten years, the charitable application process was an invaluable learning experience for all of us. We are grateful that our application was accepted for the educational donations of SACU and we hope this will open doors to more funds and a greater impact on the lives of the students of SACU.

All the students who are in SACU Primary School receive two meals a day and medical attention as needed, funded COMPLETELY by sponsors & kind donations. The sponsorship funds amount to less than a $1.50 a day or $40 a month, however, some Sponsors go above and beyond to ensure that candidates have everything they need to excel academically.

Maybe you, your family or friends would consider supporting one of the eligible candidates for the Bursary program through SACU. Below is a gallery of candidate profiles. Browse through them and see their young innocent faces as they prepare for their journey towards an education and a successful future, something many of them could only dream of. You will see our children in their home environment.

Visit the page often as we post the children as they are Sponsored and add new ones as well.

Alternatively… give anyway! Give to the fund with the knowledge that your contribution will serve to advance access to education for the many rural Ugandan students whose lot cast them into a darker shadow than their peers.

Please consider setting up a monthly contribution today! For $40/month you can help meet the financial needs of the children & their school.

The lives of these children will be dramatically changed for ever because of the kindness & generosity of so many Sponsors & Donors. The children’s health & happiness greatly improve once coming to one of  our partner schools which is such a blessing for these children.

The Sponsor – Student relationship is important to us. We aim to provide the means to build a lasting relationship between students and those who sponsor their education. You are encouraged to write to the child and send a picture of yourself/family. Getting mail from Sponsors is such a thrill.

To sponsor a child is a yearly commitment. The $450 sponsorship support, helps cover three terms of tuition. If you would like to sponsor a child now or in the future. Please fill out the form below to begin a discussion about this life-changing gift you are giving, then complete your donation. ❤

Thank you for all those whose support we have to thank for such life-changing dividends!

With SACU you give the power to change a story and change a life!