Geri Sutts retired from teaching in June of 2004. In 2008 after some mission trips to other countries,  she lead a team of 12 to build a classroom in Uganda, Africa for the WATOTO Child Care Ministries for orphaned children. While in Uganda, she met a 19 year old Ugandan orphan named Ivan Nsera. He shared his dream of creating an organization to help other orphaned children like himself, in his village of Buwondo. Sparking Geri’s interest she returned home but kept in touch with Ivan until she decided to travel on her own to Uganda in Sept 2010 to take the first steps to creating what we know today as SACU.

Over the next 7 years Geri made 10 trips to Uganda staying up to 3 months at a time. Classrooms that were once built from a material of woven papyrus with dirt floors have since been replaced by brick & mortar buildings with cement floors. The children are in classes from Baby Class for 4 year olds up to P7 with children that are 12 – 13 years old.

SACU has been greatly blessed over the years as an organization, not yet a Registered Not for Profit Organization, to have received many wonderful gifts of financial support that have brought the dreams of clean water, electricity, mosquito nets, new beds & furniture to name just a few to reality.